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Chair of the Guitar Program


Books authored and co-authored by Stig Mathisen

All books are published by WBH Musicworks


Guitar Technique 1 by Stig Mathisen
(instructional design and music engraving by Stig)


Guitar Technique 2 by Stig Mathisen 
(instructional design and music engraving by Stig)


Guitar Technique 4 by Stig Mathisen and Vinni De Masi (instructional design and music engraving by Stig)



Guitar Technique 3 by Angus Clark and Stig Mathisen (instructional design by Stig)

Guitar Reading 1 by Stig Mathisen and Steve Gibb (instructional design by Stig)

Guitar Reading 2 by Kevin Ramessar and Stig Mathisen (instructional design by Stig)

Guitar Reading 3 by Kevin Ramessar and Stig Mathisen (instructional design by Stig)

Keyboard Reading 1 by Joe Elefante and Stig Mathisen

Keyboard Reading 2 by Joe Elefante and Stig Mathisen

Bass Reading 1 by Ivan Bodley and Stig Mathisen

Bass Reading 2 by Ivan Bodley and Stig Mathisen

Excerpts from "Guitar Technique"

Scale Construction and scale practice

Melody Construction

Vocabulary, Improvisation


Solo Construction

Melodic Minor